Croco – sticks sare, susan – 40 g
Sticks cu sare
English Lb. Română Wheat flour Faina alba Palm Oil Ulei de palmier Corn starch Amidon Invert sugar Zahar invertit Salt Sare Malt extract Extract de malt Yeast Drojdie Ammonium Bicarbonate Bicarbonat de amoniu Acidity regulator Regulator de aciditate Sticks cu susan
English Lb. Română Wheat flour Faina alba Palm Oil Ulei de palmier Corn starch Amidon de porumb Invert sugar Zahar invertit Sesame seeds Seminte de susan Salt Sare iodata Malt extract Extract de malt Yeast Drojdie Ammonium Bicarbonate Bicarbonat de amoniu Acidity regulator Regulator de aciditate Similare
Sticks cu sare
Energetic values/ Valoare energetic: [kcal/kJ / 100g] 403kcal/1693kJ/100g Fat/ Lipide [g / 100g]: 8.2g of what saturated/ din care saturate [g / 100g]: 3.9g Carboanhydrates/ Glucide [g / 100g: 70.9g of what sugar/ din care zaharuri [g / 100g]: 1.3g Fibre/ Fibre [g / 100g]: 3g Protein /Proteine [g / 100g]: 10.1g Salt/ Sare [g / 100g]: 3.8g Sticks cu susan
Energetic values/ Valoare energetic: [kcal/kJ / 100g] 437kcal/1835kJ/100g Fat/ Lipide [g / 100g]: 12.6g of what saturated/ din care saturate [g / 100g]: 4.9g Carboanhydrates/ Glucide [g / 100g: 68.3g of what sugar/ din care zaharuri [g / 100g]: 1g Fibre/ Fibre [g / 100g]: 3.2g Protein /Proteine [g / 100g]: 10.9g Salt/ Sare [g / 100g]: 2.8g Similare
Sticks cu sare
The product contains following allergens: Produsul conţine următorii alergeni: Gluten Gluten Malt extract Extract de malt Sesame seeds Seminte de susan Sticks cu susan
The product contains following allergens: Produsul conţine următorii alergeni: Gluten Gluten Sesame seeds Seminte susan Malt extract Extract de malt Similare
EAN bucata EAN bax denumire produs buc/bax bax/palet 5941194001341 5941194001358 CROCO STICKS SARE 40g 46 132 5941194001365 5941194001372 CROCO STICKS SUSAN 40g 46 132 Similare