Croco – Brezel & Crackers MIX – 250 g

    English Lb. Română
    Wheat flour Faina alba
    Palm Oil Ulei de palmier
    Sugar Zahar
    Ammonium Bicarbonate Bicarbonat de amoniu
    Sodium  Bicarbonate Bicarbonat de sodiu
    Whey powder Zer pudra
    Malt extract Extract de malt
    Salt Sare
    Citric acid Acid citric
    Yeast Drojdie
    Soy lecithin Lecitina soia
    Sodium metabisulphite Metabisulfit de sodiu
    Protein enzyme Enzima proteica
    Sesame seeds Seminte susan
    Poppy seeds Seminte mac
    Acidity regulator Regulator de aciditate
    Energetic values/ Valoare energetic: [kcal/kJ / 100g] 1999 kj/476kcal
    Fat/ Lipide [g / 100g]: 19.9g
        of what saturated/ din care saturate [g / 100g]: 13g
    Carboanhydrates/ Glucide [g / 100g: 64g
         of what sugar/ din care zaharuri [g / 100g]: 3.9g
    Protein /Proteine [g / 100g]: 8.8g
    Salt/ Sare  [g / 100g]: 2.5g
    Fibre/ Fibre [g / 100g]: 2.6g
    The product contains following allergens: Produsul conţine următorii alergeni:
    Gluten Gluten
    Whey powder Zer pudra
    Sodium metabisulphite Metabisulfit de sodiu
    Malt extract Extract de malt
    Sesame seeds Seminte susan
  4. EAN
    EAN bucata EAN bax denumire produs buc/bax bax/palet
    5941194002423 5941194004052 CROCO BREZEL & CRACKERS MIX 250g 12 81